Wednesday, January 06, 2010

almost died

thanks to thoes driver or rider who dont like to signal when changing of lane...
they are one damn bloody busted.

is it really so diffcult to signal?
will is waste your battery , unless you are telling me that you are parking ur vechicle.
just a simple action for driver is use your pinky to signal, for rider just use your bloody TUMB..
it just a simple simple action...

argggggg, curse them to hell la...
involve in accident then they will understand what is the importance of signal....

sorry baby..
i am not a road bully,
but i just cant tolerate , cause i almost lose my life in the early evening, then come another idiot who dont signal... yup...
but still the chocolate in the air of pionner road ease my anger... yup..
simply just love you... muack...

going to go back to work le.... tired tired.......

ps: do rest your muscle ok?
Jia you for your FYP, BABY!!!!
******support support******

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