yesterday meet up with jill at her school tp..she is like a Noobs casue it her first time sitting bike and it my pleasure to ride her.
wanted to go eat at yishun at the end , end up at aljunid .. casue i went to the wrong exit....It should be TPE - SLE, but i am so 2pit that i went TPE - CTE end up at kallang...
went to eat "ZHU ZA TAN" at aljunid , lol then realise that JILL have a big ear.... lol .. disscus where to go later on and finally make up my mind to go by jalan kayu which jill said she know the road... but eventualy we still can't the road..
end up asking pertol kiosk uncle where to head , he said "TPE-SLE" then it like OMG... i should have gone by there earlier...finally we went on and really a relieve that we reach YIshun.... went to lower seletar Dam with her.... sit there for a while and enjoy the sunset... and FLY's....
AND Home Sweet home!!!!!
Thx jill for comapany me..... (Camp Mate Thx)