New Identification Card

My Old Identification card
Early morning when to CMPB..
To surrender my Identification Card(I/C)
Haiz no more Ic but have a 11b instead..
Report to camp and .......(disclose)
Poor Jill have to go back to CMPB for her Blur cock mermories..
Forget to change back her Pass lol
When eating with Marcus and David...
That marcus cant stop making me and David laugh
WIth all his out of topic and Cold question.. (lol)
End here le .. too tired need to go get some NoonNap....
(The above Picture is only a specimens,No copying or duplicating in any Form.)
P.O.E (passion on earth),http://passiononearths.blogspot.com/http://passiononearth.blogspot.com or the User Jerertan is not liable for any action against Him)